Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Grand Unveiling.

I punctuate titles. Somehow I feel that it completes a thought when a period is added to the end of any statement. Rather the period transforms it into a statement. Think... Janet Jackson's "Janet." I bought the album simply because of the punctuation. I'm getting off topic. This, Ladies and Gents is most likely attributed to the frog-shaped sippy cup to my left; full of none other than my revered, Polka Dot Riesling --don't judge me, I needed some liquid confidence and the sippy cup has a built in ice thingy. But really, this blog, "A Thousand Thinks", is named after that fact that can't stop thinking and I simply need somewhere to put all these thoughts down. Oh, and that Thousand is in noun form, referring to yours truly, Marjorie Thousand.

I've always been hesitant to blog because people, myself included, censor and alter their works towards the likings of the audience --as good writers are taught to do. But after four grueling (yes, grueling) years of undergraduate coursework studying old white men, I can finally break free from the constraints of  structured academia to explore myself . To let my mind wander aimlessly with an unmatched diligence. My "thinks" range from fashion to faith and all "thinks" worth conversation. I'm even up for suggestions (after I get a hang of this). I simply thought this would be the best venue.  

I am the editor. The writer. The subject.   I will not write for you. This is for me. This blog is me. If you happen to enjoy it, fine. If not, "it costs you nothing pay me no mind". (Oh yea, and there will be TONS of Jay-Z quotes because Jay-Z speaks to the way my mind works. T.S. Elliot and  E.B White, not so much). If you get passed the typos and grammatical errors (I'll keep the AP Stylebook handy) you might encounter something rare here: truth.

 I am going to be brutally honest. I will bare myself and my soul and I promise you integrity and candor. Most of all, I keeps it real. Some might even say, "keep it 100". I, on the other hand, keep it 1000 --so much that it's my last name.

 Wish me luck, 
 Miss Thousand

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